
Have the global world been local again?.

(This article build on a article in the paperversion of  The Euro*pean Leather, Shoe and Hide, Nr.2, 2011).

Anyone else than the undersigner as think it looks like the world whent down (under) and out this year?. A year as promised so much conserning leathercraft!. Perhaps is’t only the distance as the undersigner see it all from. As makes it so. The world have not whent down and out. Ouer old earth is still spinning round. But have forget it’s global point of viwe. It spinns around the local. I mean, have anyone seen a article or something from the Dimension in Leather in Australia this year?. It’s not because it have been big reports from this arrangement before. But the next Dimension in Leather will be for the 10 time. And since it only is arranged every second year have it gone on for 20 years then. The world have changed a lot since the begining. Books have been published about Australia and australian leathercraft. And several australian leathercrafters/artists have received the Al Stohlman award create interest also for the arrangement Dimension in Leather.As was one of the big arrangement this year conserning leather art and craft . Also in a global viwe.But ther is no place to read any about it. It should be that, by thought on, that the world goes foreward. It’s not a local event in Brisbane they dealing with anymore. If they undrstand it or not?. This magazin espect a printer frindly press relase from the organizer . As is addressed to a reading public. Next time.

No communication.

It looks to be more than a coincidens. This lack of communication as Dimension in Leather have . It’s more like it looks to be in the leathercraft world by the time. The IFOLG show in October have been in Albuquerque in New Mexico. The reports tells about  a sucsessfull arrangement. But the undersigner have not seen any resultlists from the show. (in the writing moment, november 2011). Else have it been lots of photos to see as is okay to look on. And the Lone Star Leathercrafters internal list over guild winners at the show. As is a step in the right direction. But it’s not bringing the trophy to Europe. Non european unions are members  of the IFOLG. And european leathercrafters have to be members of a american guild to partisipate on the IFOLG show. So the trohy will be on the same side of the atlantic ocean,until a european guild or union gets member in the IFOLG. As it’s should it be of interest to know how many european leathercrafters/artists it’s as partisipate from year to year.Not only if they come on the resultslists. It could have been with on to understand some of whats going on.It looks like it have been fewer the last years. In 2010 was it only one person from europe as the undersigner recognized on the resultlists. And the same from Lone Star Leathercrafters internal lists in 2011.

Conserning europeaan lathercraft.

It should have been time enough for the american Leather Crafters and Saddlers Journal to bring the results lists in the November/Desember issue. And it do not looks like they have a lack of space to it. It manage to bring a repetation of a Chan Gear article over 4 pages in the Nov/Des issue as was first time published in the May/June issue. Despite it probably not are the best work Chan Geer have done. But hopefully will it find it’s way to the library. The Tandy Leather Factorys new library.A global sign in the time. As is opened this year.It’s just to clik on the computer and it’s in the   room. On any side of the world, at the same time. A other sign in the time is perhaps the Tandy Leather Factory advertisement  in the last issue of The Leather Crafters and Saddlers Journal with the headlines “Oppurtunities” where they seek authors to make “how to articles”. It do not stay “from the whole world” in the advertisement . Perhaps is’t only ment for the american market. But it would be a little strange if it was so by thought on that Tandy Leather Factory  is a world wide company with shops and dealers around in the same world. No matter how, it’s rare to see a “how to” article written of a european crafter/artist, in the Leather Crafter and Saddler Journal.  Or that Tandy introduce new articles of european origin. Many european crafters/artists do  works as rivals to american crafters. But they do not write. They should know theyer visitation time and try to write some “how to” articles. European leather art and craft needs it.