
Nortura + Norilia = a forgotten norwegian tannery industry?.

 It’s of course great that Norilia, a subsidiary of *1 Nortura  have get themselves a *2 new commodity stock for hides and skin in Skjeberg in Østfold. It supersede the old stocks in Bergen and Fredrikstad. The new stocks was opened as long ago as 22 august 2012. Or two year after that*3 Borge Garveri in Lonevåg ,Bergen was closed down (in 2010). You notice that the headlines on the article about the commodity stocks as was to find on *4 Norwegian Minister of Agricultures website had the headlines “Norilia rates big on sale to known brands”. What does not appear by the article is that it concerns rawhide. Then it gets possible to understand that this known brands must have tanneries as tan their hides and skin. It does not either appear that it is to the same brand enterprises as Borge Garveri in its time submitted finish tanned hides and skin to. And by that,… is a potential outstanding export article reduced to a simple commodity.  That this export in sum is about 200 million Norwegian kroner is not so impressive if it in finish tanned hides and skin means a lost on 500 million kroner. The as nevertheless are most remarkably is that this export occurse nearest  unoritically in relation to a Norwegian tanning Industry. It has not disappeared even if Borge Garveri  not longer are in operation. And it will always exist, if only as a actual idea as longest it is made hides and skins in the country. The article on the Norwegian Minister of Agricultural webside is devoid of  a content about the existence of a Norwegian tanning industry. What also happen when Borge Garveri closed the doors in 2010 was that the connection to Aurland Sko(= Aurland Shoe)  was broken – and by that was it end on one of the few remaining old connections between tannery and shoe factory as was back of what once was both the Norwegian tannery and shoe industry inside of more than a 1o0 year long epoch since the industrial revolution, on this filed,  took place in Norway.  Aurland Sko became a too little industry alone to keep the wheels going when the big known brands thanks for the. *5 and Aurland Sko gets today its leather made in Finland. But that can not hide that it became a poorer industrial environment on a field as never was big and as now is almost gone. Some innovations have later  come, as eks. *6 Voss Skofabrikk(= Voss Shoe factory) as again have roots in in the old Jarl Shoe Factory and the newer Dale Shoe Factory as went bankruptcy in 2011 . How the connection between (Borge?) tannery and AS Jarl/Dale Shoe Factory can have been is a unanswered question. But no shoe factory can exist particular long time without a tannery and a tannery can not exist particular long time without a take -off- industry as is on the height with the tannery production.  But non of the industries need to be particular big basically for that both industries shall function. The article on the Norwegian Minister of Agriculture website give on no way expression for that this should be one neither current or hypothetical issue around Norwegian hides or skin. And by that, that it also can be about which role  this hides and skin can have in a renovation of Norwegian tanning industry an the developing of a take-of industry. As fare you know based Borge Garveri (also?) its production *7 on imports of hides from country as France, Switzerland and Denmark. While use of Norwegian hides and skin not was mentioned in the bankruptcy. What concern a new take-off- industry can you not see that Norwegian design /craft and the possibility as is in to try make  Norwegian brands on the field is mentioned any place.  With hide s and skin as have a international reputation for its quality should it be possible. It could have been a small, but good industry after that the oil and gas time is over. And before that time contributed to a more diverse industrial activities. Even if it in economical respect never can be big.  Where it is of the possible surplus of this rawhide export by Nortura/ Norilia says the article nothing about. But it does not show as it should be interest to invest a dime in the developing of a design/craft/industrial experimental park on the field of hide and skin in 5 or 10 years period in the old location to Borge Garveri.  Or that the state any time will launch such idea as a part of the rural settlement as is a yearly happening. You sit back after reading the article with different kind of impressions. Among other that it looks to be short sighted point of view as claimed as is about most possible profit on shortest possible time. And little remarkable gets it to read that hides and skin as late as in 1998 was defines as ‘ waste of the meet production’ by Norsk Kjøtt now is referred to as a ” plus- product”!. I wonder what that means?. An approach to Greenpeace’s point of view?. On the website to *8 The Leather International 16 November 2009 are the definition of rawhide discoursed between Greenpeace and Leather International/journalist Sam Setter in the column “Limbleast”. Greenpeace claims that hides and skin is a bi or part product of the meat production. While Leather International/journalist Sam Setter rejected this with that hides and skin is a consequence of the meat production. Something as is a professional view on hides and skin in slaughter house(!) connection. And as make that they perceived as slaughter waste. But it gives no places ( in books,  articles etc) a expression for if, if the perception can be a other if the  expression come  from a tannery view of………… All the time a tannery exist in a other part of the food chain could you perhaps expect a other answer than what the slaughter house give?. But you get no place  any specialization on what means with hides and skin as a “plus-product”. It’s unilateral Nortura/Norilia as gives expression fore theirs short sighted and diffuse point of view. Even if it should involve that they cut of the branch they self sit on.

Source referenece:

*1Nortura was founded in 2006 through a fusion between Gilde Norsk Kjøtt BA and Prior Norge BA. Norilia became a subsidiary in the year?? after. *2  Website, 17-12-2013). *3 Net page, Borge Garverier,no *4 website, www.norsk satser (28-8-2013) *5) talk on Borge Garveri . *6 website, *7Lær, Sko og Skinn, Nr.1-2-2010, om Borge Garveri-*8 The Leather International, Limebleast/ sam Setter, 16 November 2009.


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