Leather, Shoe and Hide Journal (all issues)

Next issue will be publish in November/Desember 2024

Last edition

Leather, Shoe and Hide Journal, No.1-2024 (7MB)

Previous issues.

Leather, Shoe and Hide Journal No 1-2- 2023 (13 MB)

Leather, Shoe and Hide Journal,Christmas 2022 (10MB

It was not published any magazin in 2021.

The Leather,Shoe and Hide Review, No 1-2 -2020 (15MB)

The Leather,Shoe and Hide Journal, No .2-2019 ( 19MB)

The Leather,Shoe and Hide Journal, No. 1-2019 ( 13 MB)

The Leather, Shoe and Hide Journal, No.2-2018 (13 MB)

The Leather, Shoe and Hide Journal, No.1-2018 ( 13 MB)

The name of the magazin changed in 2017 to The Leather, Shoe and Hide Journal. And it started to be published only via net and free to read from 2019. But because of mess with a digital flip-book is the free reading issues now starting in 2018.


The magazin was not published in 2017.


As longest the magazin also was published in a paper version was only four pages published via net. It was:

 1: front page.

 2: Editorial

3: As time og by

4: Words around book.

The name  was  until 2017:  The European Leather, Shoe and Hide  Magazin-


The European- Leather, Shoe and Hide, No. 2-2016 (4MB)

The European Leather, Shoe and Hide,  No.1-2016  (6 MB)

The European Leather,Shoe and Hide Journal No.2, 2015 (12 MB)

The European Leather, Shoe and Hide,  No.1-2015   (5MB)

The Euro*pean Leather, Shoe and Hide, No.2-2014  (6MB)

The Euro*pean Leahter, Shoe and Hide  No.1-2014 (5,05 MB)

The Euro*pean Leather, Shoe and Hide, No.2-2013( 4,55 MB)

The Euro*pean Leather, Shoe and Hide. Nr. 1- 2013 (5,44MB)

The magazin had only 14 pages from 2010 until 2013 when  4 more pages was

added to and have since then had 16 pages and a appendix

on two pages as made  it to 18 pages together..

The Euro*pean Leather, Shoe and Hide, No. 2- 2012 (4,85 MB)

The Euro*pean Leather,Shoe and Hide,  No. 1- 2012 (5,29 MB).

The Euro*pean Leather,Shoe and Hide,  No. 2- 2011 (4,38 MB ).

The Euro*pean Leather,Shoe and Hide,  No. 1- 2011 (4,67 MB).

From Nr. 1-2011 was the magazin published in color.


The Euro*pean Leather, Shoe and Hide, No .2-2010 (4,60 MB).

The Euro*pean Leather, Shoe and Hide, No. 1-2010   (6,58 MB).

The two first issues was in black/white.